Power Within

The Power Within; The Five Disciplines of Personal Effectiveness by Allen Johnson describes how the five disciplines of love, responsibility, vision, commitment, and service work together to generate personal and organizational well-being.    

Nuclear Legacy: Students of Two Atomic Cities

Edited by Maureen Doyle McQuerry and Tetyana Gavrish, Nuclear Legacy was written by middle school students from the nuclear cities of Richland, Washington, and Slavutich, Ukraine, close to the Chornobyl disaster. In addition to nuclear background provided by the students of these important atomic cities, the book includes rich detail of the everyday life of these students. Here’s what’s been said about Nuclear Legacy: 2001 Independent Publisher’s Award Winner for Young Adult Non-Fiction… Read More

This Side of Crazy

Here is what Amazon reviewers have said about This Side of Crazy by Allen Johnson: Allen is a masterful story teller! Every life is a story and stories have the power to impart valuable lessons. It is obvious that author Allen Johnson has carefully observed and reflected on the lives of people around him. In his book “This Side of Crazy,” Allen has artfully crafted those stories for maximum impact and takes… Read More