The Water Master

The Water Master, by Betsy Dickinson

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Here’s what Amazon says about Betsy Dickinson‘s new book, The Water Master, released February 15, 2016:

A tale of murder, deception, survival and redemption. Susan Bradley, searching for spiritual renewal, falls in love with the spellbinding Jay Glasser—her Wiccan High Priest and mentor. After a whirlwind courtship and marriage in Illinois, she and Jay move to the desert Northwest community of Pasco, Washington. Their creepy and obnoxious landlord, Charlie Gottschalk, brags about being the local Watermaster and neighborhood watch guy, but Susan suspects he is more than that as he interferes with her marriage. Jay’s unusual friendship with Charlie changes him for the worse – much worse.    When Susan begins her new job in Dr. Elwin’s office, discrepancies in the files thrust her into an embezzlement investigation that leads to none other than Charlie’s grouchy sister, Silvia, as the thief. Detective Dale Freeman directs the investigation but has his own suspicions about Charlie as he reopens a cold case involving the disappearance of the previous tenants of Susan and Jay’s shabby rent-to-own house. As Dale and Susan venture further into uncovering the deceit and destruction the Gottschalk’s have left behind, Susan’s closely held secret, once revealed, puts Susan in life-threatening danger. Can Susan survive the flood of evil unleashed by the Watermaster?

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